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Fine Dust Sampler

The ITS-PM-2.5/1O FDS Fine Particulate Sampler uses a set of Impostors Standardized and documented by U.S. EPA to separate CPA nor particulates from No air stream. From the  schematic  diagram shown at  figure 1 you can see that the system comprises of an Omni directional air Impactor  for particles larger than 10  microns and  a PM 2.5 Impactor separated  by a length of tube.  Air dust enters  in the  sampler  through circular Omni directional inlet reaches to PM10 Impactor where all  particles having Size more than 10 micron are retained, Now air with Impactor which is in well shaped Impactor, A fitter dipped in Impaction oil is kept in the well where  particles  hit at  41 specific.  Velocity (maintained  by top critical hole WINS  Impactor) this result separation of particles above 2.5 micron to 10 micron only particle having size 2.5 micron and below proceed further with air stream and accumulated on PTFE  membrane filter.


Accumulated dust on the filter is obtained by weight difference while total volume of air sampled is given by the Genentech Data logger PM2.5 dust concentration can be calculated simply by dividing weight of dust by Volume of air sampled.


The lower detection limit of PM2.5 dust is about 2pg/m3 which depends upon the accuracy of the digital balance. A sensitive digital balance with minimum detection of 0,00001grn Is basic need for measurement of accumulated dust, if 6 digit balance is available one monitor weight more accumulated dust. If 6 digit balance is available one can monitor weight more accurately and this PM2.5 values. 


ITS-PM-2.5/1O FDS can act as PM10 sampler by removing WINS Impactor from air stream. The Wins Impactor need to be roved and kept in laboratory if ITS-PM-2.5/1O DFS desired to be operated for measurement of PM10.