Product Enquiry


PHOTOMETER pH,Pb,Cd,Hg Analyser

(PRICE INR : 3,45,670.00)



Water Uses patented technology (U.S. Patent 7333194)


On-Site testing for pH, Lead, Mercury and Cadmium in Water. Meter also can be used to detect Lead in Paint, Soil, Glassware, Crystal and Ceramics.

Supplied With 200 Test Reagents each.


This is smart photometer is the ideal portable tool for testing lead levels in water, paint, and more. Lead is toxic to humans and can be ingested through water or other contaminated substances. The EPA and Congress continue to classify lead as a substance hazardous to the public health, and detrimental to normal childhood development. Widespread use of this simple, field test method will quickly and accurately determine exposure to toxic lead. The fast lead test solution, photometer gives accurate results using fewer steps than the competition. Its affordable and uses a non-technical procedure. Other features include: Ideal for Lead in Water Screening 3 ppb (µg/L) or .03 µg lead detection (EPA Max Limit is 15 ppb) Detects 1 to 500 ppb Lead in Water Uses patented technology (U.S. Patent 7333194).


Accurate results in few steps:-

*3 ppb (pg/L) or .03 pg lead detection.         

* Non-Technical Procedure.                                    


* Uses patented technology.                  

*2-Year warranty.



The MCL (Maximum Contaminant Levels allowed) for drinking water as set by the USEPA forPb2+  is 15 µg/L (WHO is 10 µg/L); Mercury (Hg+2) is 2 µg/L; and Cadmium (Cd+2) is 5 µg/L.


 Parameter/Test                       Range (ppm)

Lead in Paint                                 0-1.99  ppm

Lead in Soil                                   18-3000 mg/kg

Lead in Water                              1-500 µg/L

Cadmium in Water                   0-0.8 mg/L

Mercury in Water                      10-600 µg/L

Lead in Ceramic                          1-500 µg/L