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Portable Ambient Monitoring System 

Model : ITS-AQM105

INR @ 5,25,000.00


The latest CPCB limits for environmental pollutants like SO2, NO2, NH3, Cl2, O3 etc., and Depending upon the pollutant gas, very sensitive instruments based on florescence, chemiluminescence’s or optical absorption are available in the international market .But these instrument sure prohibitively costly and few small or medium scale industries can afford.  which developed is a microprocessor based non dispersive spectrophotometer tailor made for the analysis of the above mentioned five pollutants at parts per billion level .The instrument is lightweight and moderately priced. Ambient air is sampled for the required time duration. 4, 8 or 24hrs.using The Air Sampler which can sample three different gases simultaneously using three impingers filled with recommended gas absorbing solvents. The solutions from the impingers are further treated with other reagents to form coloured dyes.


Gas  Name






Absorbing Solution

Tetra Chlrom-

Ercurate  0.04M

NaOH  0.1M

Methyl  orange 0.005%

H2SO4  0.1N

Indigo  cermine

Measuring Range

1 to  1000 ppb

1 to 700 ppb

1 to 1500 ppb

1 to 1000 ppb

1 to 100 ppb

Photometer florescence, chemiluminescence’s or optical absorption Specification:- 

Principle           :           Absorption method

Accuracy          :           ±2% at full scale

Reproducibility  :           ±10%

Resolution        :           1 ppb

Display             :           16×2character  alphanumeric  LCD

Measuring Time:           Less than 1 Min / Sample

Battery             :           4.8VNiMHrechargeable

Dimensions      :           17.5×11.5×10(L×W×H)cm

Weight             :           750gm.   

Air sampler Specification:-

Number of Impinger     :                03 Nos.

Flow control                :                Needle valve on each impinger

Flow rate                     :                200 - 1000 ml/min

Sampling time              :                1 to 24 hrs.

Display                        :                16×2 alphanumeric LCD

Battery                        :                15V Lithium Ion Rechargeable

Dimensions(L×W×H)   :                16.5x16x19 cm

Weight :4.0 Kg.